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SureSmile® Aligners – Whitinsville, MA

Your Path Toward a Straighter Smile

Woman holding SureSmile® clear aligner

It isn’t uncommon for patients to want to put off orthodontic treatment because they don’t want to show off metal brackets and wires. Fortunately, there is another option for teens and adults seeking a solution to their misaligned teeth. SureSmile® aligners are a new and innovative orthodontic treatment that uses precise aligners to put you on your path toward a straighter smile. By slowly shifting the teeth to their new rightful locations, patients can expect beautiful results in no time! To find out if SureSmile® aligners are right for you, give us a call to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Whitinsville Family Dentistry for SureSmile® Aligners?

  • Membership with Professional Organizations
  • Digital Impressions System
  • Financing Options Available

How SureSmile® Aligners Work

Man getting SureSmile® at the dentist

SureSmile® aligners use a series of custom-made plastic aligners to slowly shift the teeth into their new, rightful locations. By using SureSmile® software, a custom treatment plan is made for the patient. Patients must wear each aligner for at least 22 hours each day for approximately 2 weeks depending on the treatment plan. The patient should only remove the aligners when eating, drinking, and cleaning the trays. Once the entire series of aligners is complete, you can show off your beautifully straight smile!

Indications for SureSmile® Aligners

Teenager holding SureSmile® aligner

SureSmile® can correct a variety of mild to moderate types of misalignment. Here are some examples of issues that can be fixed with this orthodontic treatment.

Crowded Teeth

Overcrowding can negatively impact the appearance, function, and health of your smile. SureSmile® aligners work by gently guiding the teeth, addressing crooked and overlapped teeth in the process. This way, they will have all the room they need to sit comfortably in your mouth.

Gaps Between Teeth

Spaced-out teeth can be much more than just an aesthetic issue. They can be a threat to the health of your smile. SureSmile® aligners can shift the teeth to be the correct distance apart, eliminating the extra, unnecessary space between your teeth.

Bite Alignment

Overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites can all negatively affect facial aesthetics and oral health. SureSmile® aligners can address many different cases of misalignment, improving the appearance and function of your smile.

The Benefits of SureSmile® Aligners

Man putting in SureSmile® aligner

SureSmile® aligners provide a variety of benefits. Here are some of the most prominent:

  • No dietary restrictions
  • Easy to keep your smile clean
  • No uncomfortable brackets or wires
  • Fewer, shorter dental visits
  • Virtually invisible
  • Shorter average treatment timelines

How Much Do SureSmile® Aligners Cost?

Woman putting coin in a piggy bank

SureSmile® isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment. It is customized for each individual patient. To determine the cost, several factors need to be taken into consideration, like the severity of your misalignment. To find out exactly how much you can expect your treatment to cost, give us a call to schedule a consultation. This way, we can examine your smile, put together a treatment plan, and discuss the financial options available to make the process as stress-free as possible.